Jacinta Rohan
Jacinta brings beauty, flexibility and artistic flair, with her incredible contortion skills that can be moulded to suit any theme or event. Jacinta can combine her contortion skills with stunning hula hooping and hand balancing or perform contortion just on its own as a remarkable display of flexibility and control. Jacinta is a highly talented performer whose graceful skills continue to captivate audiences across Australia.
Performance History:
Some of the recent events Jacinta has performed at include:
* Sony Product Launch @ Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane
* Hyundai Fleet Event @ Rivers Edge Function Centre
* Austech Exhibition @ Melbourne Exhibition Centre
* Mt Buller Resort Spring Fling @ Mt Buller
* Water Aid Ball @ New Melbourne Convention Centre
* Jason Coleman’s Ministry of Dance Event @ Crown Palladium
* Mars Sugar Australia Masquerade Dinner @ Bayview Eden
* Deloitte Mid Year Ball @ Peninsula
* Feast on East 2008 @ Gippsland
* DiVino @ NICA
* Cirque Du Sincock @ Abbotsford Convent
* Other corporate and private functions
Performed by: Jacinta Rohan